Step 1 : Request.
Choose a suitable for you form of request. We would like to emphasize once again that your request does not oblige you and does not require any payment for its consideration. We are able to listen to all our customers!
You can call us or send a letter to our e-mail account. You can simply fill in the form by this link.
In any case, try to clearly formulate your interest in this or that brand.
For each Applicant, we guarantee the compliance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine regarding the protection of personal data. In this regard, we ask you to confidently indicate your contact phone number and e-mail addresses for correspondence.
Please specify in which city of Ukraine you are interested to hold trade activity with us.
Please write about your experience in the clothing business and identify the trademarks with which you have co-operated.
If you already have a premises for your information, or if you rent or own a premises and you are interested in organizing the trade in clothing and accessories of the brands that we represent, please indicate the information about its area and location.
Try to estimate the amount of investment for the organization of format trade based on the cost per square meter of the franchise store, which is specified in the section "Business Proposal" on this web page.
After receiving an application or a telephone call from you, you will get a presentation, franchising and/or commercial offers for further cooperation. Together with you, we will definitely be able to find the best direction for your city.
We offer you a comprehensive assistance by the specialists in opening a store and in the future in running business: from consulting on choosing the location of a store, developing a business plan for the future store and providing a promotional materials and recommendations for the merchandising.
Our support will help to work both beginners and people with experience in launching the clothing business.
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